Mondays 7:15 – 8:30 pm
with Rick Perry
Our meditation classes teach simple, practical meditation techniques based on the teachings of Kadampa Buddhism. Their intent is to help people to gain a personal experience of inner peace, overcome their daily problems and find real happiness in their hearts.
All of our General Program and Simply Meditate classes are suitable for everyone—from brand new beginners to experienced meditators—and consist of guided meditations, a talk and discussion. Classes are grouped into series of 4-6 weeks, focusing on a theme or meditation technique.
Each class is self contained so you can just drop in and enjoy. They provide an ideal introduction to meditation and Buddhism, teaching effective and practical methods for overcoming problems and increasing happiness in daily life.
Classes are $10 each. Become a member for as little as $40 per month and attend as many KMC Tampa Bay General Program (GP), Simply Meditate and Meditations for World Peace (MWP) classes as you like!