Meditations for World Peace


About this Class
In these uncertain times, there is nothing more meaningful than making prayers for world peace and for the safety and happiness of all living beings. These classes include a guided meditation, a short teaching and beautiful chanted prayers for world peace. The focus is on solutions to problems in daily life, authentic optimism and the development of altruistic love and compassion. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Our meditation classes teach simple, practical meditation techniques based on the teachings of Kadampa Buddhism. Their intent is to help people to gain a personal experience of inner peace, overcome their daily problems and find real happiness in their hearts.

What happens at a class

All of our General Program and Simply Meditate classes are suitable for everyone—from brand new beginners to experienced meditators—and consist of guided meditations, a talk and discussion. Classes are grouped into series of 4-6 weeks, focusing on a theme or meditation technique.

Each class is self contained so you can just drop in and enjoy. They provide an ideal introduction to meditation and Buddhism, teaching effective and practical methods for overcoming problems and increasing happiness in daily life.

Classes are $10 each. Become a member for as little as $40 per month and attend as many KMC Tampa Bay General Program (GP), Simply Meditate and Meditations for World Peace (MWP) classes as you like!

Current Series

Meditations for a meaningful life

The New Meditation Handbook is a practical guide to meditation that teaches us how to make ourself and others happy by developing inner peace, and in this way making our lives more meaningful. Without inner peace there is no real happiness at all. Problems, suffering and unhappiness do not exist outside the mind; they are feelings and thus part of our mind. Therefore, it is only by controlling our mind that we can permanently stop our problems and make ourself and others truly happy. Each week we will learn one of the twenty-one Buddhist meditation practices within the New Meditation Handbook. 

Weekly Topics

May 14 - July 2
  • May 14: Great Compassion

  • May 21: Taking Away Suffering

  • May 28: Wishing Love

  • June 4: Giving Happiness

  • June 11: Healing Self & Others

  • June 18: Becoming A Friend of the World

  • June 25: The Peace of Concentration

  • July 2: Liberating Wisdom

  • July 9: Dream Like Reality

  • July 16: Faith & Reliance

  • July 23: A Special Breathing Meditation


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