The Teacher Training Program (TTP) is designed for people who wish to train as authentic Dharma Teachers within the New Kadampa Tradition or who simply want to engage with Buddha's teachings in the deepest possible manner. In addition to completing the study of fourteen texts of Sutra and Tantra (see below), students are required to observe certain commitments with regard to behavior and way of life, and to complete a number of meditation retreats. Through a deep and continuing commitment to the program of study, meditation, discussion, and retreat, we can gain deep experience of Buddha's teachings, establish a strong meditation practice, and become a qualified Kadampa Teacher.
Twelve Subjects
The program comprises the following twelve subjects, based on Buddha's Sutra and Tantric teachings and the corresponding commentaries by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso:
Safety Harbor
with Resident Teacher Sarah FrewThe Safety Harbor Teacher Training Program will resume in February, 2025.
During the break, those who are looking for more in-depth study may be interested in our special Oral Instructions of Mahamudra class series.
Resumes in February, 2025
Sundays, 1pm-4:30pm
Description coming soon
2025 Schedule
The Teacher
Further Information
Teacher Training Program (TTP) is for those students who wish to become qualified Kadampa Buddhist Teachers. Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment (or a sincere intention to receive this empowerment at the next possible opportunity) is required to study. The Teacher Training Program is a structured study program to help students deepen their own study and practice of Buddha's teachings as well as learn how to teach others. Regular meditation retreats throughout the year are built into the program for the students' personal development as well as teaching skills classes and discussions.
Correspondence Program
Students who live outside the Safety Harbor area or who have a good reason for not being able to attend the Teacher Training Program in person may request to study via correspondence—either with recordings or via live stream. Please email